Since it’s launch in 2011 and with a rolling yearly renewal process, FiLOS has gone from strength to strength and recruited many admirers along the way.
FiLOS is the Complete Solution offering Full Solicitors Accounting, fully configurable Case Management, Document Management, Practice Management and Time Recording features all linked together with a powerful, yet fully customisable and user-friendly reporting suite.
The role of the Practice Manager is to ensure the smooth running of the firm and to therefore maximise efficiency and ultimately profitability. FiLOS contains many tools to help any PM succeed.
Being able to extract and analyse financial and personnel performance is a key feature to aid in fine tuning the firm. Budgets and targets can be set for nominal accounts to gauge profitability through P&L reporting. Historical information when compared to current can easy help to predict trends and allow for changes to be made. Budgets and targets can also be applied to individuals in a wide range of areas from time recording to billing and even recovery of disbursements

Analysis of business sources can easily be dissected to ensure marketing budgets are allocated correctly
Accurate Budgets and targets being assigned to the Fee Earners gives them and the Partners very useful key performance indicators (KPI) for use at annual appraisal meetings.
Firm performance in many key areas can also be managed from different levels. Views of the Practice, Branches, Departments, Teams and individual are available with the authority to do so.
Efficiency in marketing can also ensure a regular supply of repeat business and FiLOS can help in this area by providing you with Quick Merge which will allow a user to create targeted mailshots and email marketing options.
Time is money and wasting time searching for documentation is a sure way to adversely affect your productivity. FiLOS can help here in many ways. Use of case management can ensure all your work is stored against the matter and use of the scanning module can also ensure letters and forms can be imported direct to the matter, so no more searching for files as the information is available to the user from their desktop.
Client documentation can also be stored in this way. Copies of Wills, Deeds, Securities and other important docs can be scanned in and held against client records and these can be viewed without the need to have the paper file present. Reporting functionality also adds control over your document register and this, coupled with an audit trail, ensures you will always know where files or customer documents are, should you need the physical copies.